In view of 2 stem of selected bacteria N5 and BS-6,evaluated its capability on remove and control of paraffin,studied the affection of temperature,salinity,oxygen on its surface active agent,and showed that the most optimum cultivate condition for N5 and BS-6 is 37℃,5000 mg/L of salinity and sufficient oxygen,at the same time,test its disperse capacity with oil and paraffin,it shows that N5 and BS-6 have 78% and 77% capacity to control paraffin,and used them to 6 wells of high paraffin in 14 block,obtained favorite effectiveness,purge period prolonged from 30 days to 180 days,and increased 1499 tons of oil.N5 and BS-6 have favorable paraffin control capacity,and they can instead of chemical paraffin inhibitor.